This agreement describes the terms and conditions by which your compensation as Sales Consultant shall be earned and calculated and supersedes all prior written or oral compensation agreements, arrangements or representations regarding your compensation. Under this agreement, you will be paid a sales commission on all products sold on behalf of The WOW Adventure Ltd.
Your compensation under this agreement is based on commissions that each Sales Consultant can earn from sales transactions. Such commissions are strictly limited to those amounts defined herein below, except that the company may make periodic amendments and/or additions (e.g., related to specific promotions and programs). You may, if offered, also be paid supplemental pay for non-sales activity, if applicable.
You are required to generate sufficient sales to satisfy the minimum introduction quotas, which are established by the company at its sole discretion. Your failure to meet minimum introduction quotas could result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment. Your minimum introduction quotas and specific sales quotas to interested qualified leads will be discussed with you after one month into your working with us. Generally, we expect all Sales Consultants to introduce a minimum of 40-50 new leads into our Sales systems per week so as to generate interested and qualified leads of a sufficient quantity worthy of producing a project specification and quotation.
In addition, Sales Consultants are expected to recruit further Sales Consultants for their own areas, both in person and through other free job advertisement programs, for example, by placing free job ads on LinkedIn. Current vacancies and job descriptions to use as job ad templates can always be found on the WOW Adventure website by clicking here. All new applications should be channelled through The WOW Adventure HR form which can be found by clicking here. Only once the applicant has completed that form should the Sales Consultant contact his Area Sales Manager to claim the applicant as for his own regional area employment, should experience be satisfactory to WOW’s recruitment policies and employment be subsequently offered.
Your compensation shall consist of the following elements:
Commission Compensation (“Sales Activity”)
Earned commission. You shall earn commissions based on the levels of profits generated on top of The WOW Adventure Ltd’s quoted prices for web design and search engine optimisation project tasks. All negotiated profits are split three ways – 1/3rd of profit goes directly into the company, 1/3rd goes towards running costs and development team recruitment and bonuses and the remaining 1/3rd is split directly across the national, regional and area managers and their sales teams. A commission is not considered earned until the completion of a number of conditions and prerequisites. Specifically, closed sales and the customer’s payment having been received by The WOW Adventure Ltd in advance of any project tasking.
Commission rate. Your commissions as an Area Sales Manager are calculated as follows: 25% of profits on the sales of your own customer introductions plus 25% of profits on the sales of those Sales Consultants that you have recruited as Sales Consultants within your own management area.
Earned Commissions –The salesperson must be a current, full-time employee at the time a product becomes a “closed sale.” A sale is “closed” when the following conditions are met: 100% of the payment is received from the customer for the quoted project task and the additional profits. No commission or bonus will be earned until a National or Regional Sales Manager or WOW Director has determined that a transaction is a “closed sale.”
Commission payments upon termination – Commissions are only earned while you are an employee. Should you terminate your employment or be terminated by The WOW Adventure Ltd, you will earn commission ONLY through your final date of employment. You will not be eligible to earn any further commissions on future revenue. Commissions will only be paid on sales that are closed (as defined above) on or before the date of termination.
Bonus Compensation
You may be eligible to earn bonuses from time to time based on a variety of factors. The terms and conditions for such bonuses may vary according to the circumstances. The WOW Adventure Ltd, in its sole discretion, will determine whether you are eligible for any particular bonus.
Hourly Compensation (“Non-Sales Activity”)
As a salesperson, your duties and job requirements will require you to spend all of your working time engaged in sales activity. In addition, you will be paid an hourly wage rate as agreed for any time that you actually spend engaged in non-sales activity that you report. You are required to carefully document your time each pay period so that all non-sales activity is accounted for in your time record. “Non-sales activity” is defined as work time during which a salesperson is not free to engage in sales activity, including but not necessarily limited to periods when engaged in training or sales meetings.
Time Not Worked/Leave of Absence
Employees who take an unpaid leave of absence will not be paid for the time they are not working unless the employee utilizes available paid time off. An employee on a leave of absence who has earned commissions as described above will be paid for earned commissions while out on leave.
Workday & Workweek
For the purpose of computing compensation under this agreement, the “workday” is defined as Monday to Friday; the “workweek” begins on Monday at 09:00 and ends on Friday at 17:30.
Time-keeping, Rest Breaks and Meal Periods
For any non-sales tasks, you are responsible for keeping accurate time records, including recording each day when you 1) start and end work, and 2) start and end your meal periods. You also are required to carefully document your time worked each pay period so that all non-sales activity is accounted for in your time record.
By replying to my supervisor’s email with “I agree”, I acknowledge that I have read and understand that the terms and conditions herein described are the general method by which my pay is calculated. I also understand that this agreement is for no fixed term and may be altered or rescinded in whole or in part at any time with or without notice at the sole option of the Company. I agree to keep accurate time records, including recording my time at the beginning and end of my work shift and at the beginning and end of my meal periods, and to sign periodic certifications regarding my time cards in compliance with company policy. Furthermore, I understand that this agreement does not constitute a contract, express or implied, for a term of employment and that my employment is for no definite period, regardless of any provision for payment of wages while employed. I further understand that both the company and I have the right to terminate the employment relationship at any time, for any reason, with or without cause, and with 30 days’ notice.