Sean Collins to deliver an outstanding stand-up comedy show at the renowned Southampton Comedy Club
Sean Collins comes to The Attic’s Southampton-based Comedy Club. With 30 years of stand-up comedy under his belt, Canadian comedian Sean Collins has achieved notable successes, including a nomination for Best Male Standup at the Canadian Comedy Awards, a gala TV performance at Just for Laughs, and his own hour special on Canadian television.
Sean Collins, a Vancouverite, has experienced a lot in his life and it is clearly reflected in his brand of comedy. To begin with, he had been a counsellor for young people struggling with mental health issues prior to beginning his career as a comedian in 1990.
Get tickets here for Sean Collins at the Southampton Comedy Club
Henceforth, Collins was named the Best Male Stand Up of the Canadian Comedy Awards and also took to the stage at the famed Just For Laughs event in Montreal. He even got to host an hour-long show on Canadian TV!
Collins’ style of comedy is typically relaxed and straightforward as he narrates stories that are both funny and personal from atop his stool. He is mostly seen performing shows around the UK on platforms such as BBC’s Michael McIntyre’s Comedy Roadshow and The Real Variety Showcase – very popular venues that keep up his corporate bookings.
“A pleasure to indulge” The Scotsman
“Expert comedy done effortlessly” Edinburgh Evening News
“Infectious … evocative and entertaining” Chortle
After settling in the UK, Sean quickly established himself as a formidable performer. His appearance on Michael McIntyre’s Comedy Roadshow on BBC 1 anticipated a successful future for Sean, granting him the chance to act at The Real Variety Showcase for Jeremy Lee Associates, one of the most well-known specialist agencies for after dinner speakers, awards hosts and cabaret shows across corporate, industry and public sector events. During his performance that night he was honoured with the ‘Expert Choice’ as he ‘struck the most corporate note of the evening’ (The Stage 2013). Jeremy Lee Associates regarded him as the ‘stand out act’.
More recently, Collins has featured in Michael McIntyre’s Comedy Roadshow on BBC1, as well as becoming increasingly popular for his viral clips across media platforms. Be sure you don’t miss the opportunity to catch his show “Smokin’ Funny” when it tours the world in 2023!
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