Victor Pãtrãşcan – The Dirty Immigrant Comedy Night in Southampton

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Victor Pãtrãşcan – The Dirty Immigrant

Victor Patrascan - The Dirty Immigrant - Southampton Comedy ClubVictor Pãtrãşcan is an ostentatious stand-up comedian and irreverent social commentator who was born in Romania. Yet Victor Patrascan resides in London.

Do you want to witness a Romanian comedian whose humour reflects his inquisitive nature about life, love, religion and politics?

If yes, then Victor Patrascan is coming to Southampton with his show which will challenge your perspectives on these topics. He is unapologetic for asking the tough questions but he does so with comedic finesse.

Victor Patrascan at Southampton Comedy Club

Victor Patrascan has been at the helm of the Roast Battle London Premier League rankings for both 2019 and 2020. During that time, he embarked on a tour called “The Trouble with Being Born Romanian” throughout Europe, showcasing it in over 30 cities.

As 2021 began, Victor’s tour became the Dirty Immigrant show and he has since toured extensively around Europe. Recently, Victor made a special guest appearance on Romania’s iUmor TV program where his jokes gave some people quite a shock!

He has performed comedic skits in English for audiences across the UK, Germany, Holland, Austria, Sweden, Denmark, France, Switzerland, Finland, Belgium, Spain, Ireland, Portugal, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia, Luxembourg, United Arab Emirates, Bulgaria, Norway, Hungary and Romania.

The show will be held entirely in English.

Tickets bought online in purchases of 4 or more tickets are £12.50 each, otherwise £15 per person. Availability permitting £20 on the door (cash only)

Happy Hour and doors open at 7 pm. Seated with the show starting at 7.30 pm. For tickets.

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