Leading Online Web Design Training Course focusing on top SEO

£2.49 / week for 52 weeks and a £7.99 sign-up fee

Are you looking to become an expert in web design, WordPress, SEO and affiliate/digital marketing? Then this web design training course is the perfect opportunity for you.



Training Course in Web Design, WordPress, SEO and Affiliate & Digital Marketing with Google leading SEO ExpertOur Google leading SEO Expert ensures that everything you learn on our Web Design Training Course will be up to date with industry standards and will guarantee your success. You’ll learn all the skills necessary to make you a professional at web design, WordPress, SEO and affiliate/digital marketing.

For just a £7.99 enrolment administration fee and only £2.49 per week of training (paid weekly, throughout the year), you get the unique opportunity to purchase our discounted provider’s domain name and web hosting package on the most resilient and fastest web hosting available worldwide, during the first week of the Web Design Training Course, with an unbeatable offer – so not only do you gain invaluable knowledge throughout this course, but afterwards your website and domain name will remain yours to publicise yourself and your web design and SEO services, as well as make some serious money online.

Please note that students will be required to purchase a very discounted web hosting package and domain name through our preferred Web Hosting partner at the beginning of the course at a current cost of £29. This website will be a portfolio of your web design skills gathered and compiled throughout the course and highlighting affiliate products relevant to the web design industry and making you money throughout the course. The website will be yours to keep and use after course completion subject to annual renewal fees being paid.

Learning on our Web Design Training Course with a Google Leading SEO ExpertPlus, if ever need help outside the online learning sessions, there’s also plenty of advice and support available from The WOW Adventures experienced team who are always here to help every step of the way to web design stardom.

Investing in this course gives your career a huge boost which will help set you apart from all of the competition!

When it comes to websites at the top of Google, WOW just don’t have any competition.


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